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Micro Cross-Roller Ring RAU


For a compact and lightweight system

・Micro Cross-Roller Ring with inner diameter of 10 mm and outer diameter of 21 mm

・More compact than a conventional angular contact ball bearing 

・Spacer retainer enables smooth movement and high rotation accuracy.


In the RAU, the rollers travel on the V-shaped raceways ground into the inner and outer rings.

Alternating rollers are arrayed orthogonally so that one bearing can support loads and moments in any direction.

Also, because of the integrated structure, the RAU can be used for either inner ring or outer ring rotation.

Fig. 1 Structure of Cross Roller-Ring Model RAU

1. Compact and Rigid

The RAU is more compact and lighter weight than a double row angular contact ball bearing. It is also more rigid, even though it is made as compact as possible.

2. Light Weight

The cross-sectional area of the model RAU is 57% smaller than theCross-Roller Ring model RA, which was previously the thinnest ever. This enables further weight reduction. The line-up also includes other models

whose inner diameters are the smallest to date: 10, 15, 20, 30, and 40mm.

389E_RAU 6.png

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